I sculpt, draw and write. And I work with a wide variety of materials. My ideas come from a curiosity about being human, the nature of the material world and my perceptions of living in this world. I’m inspired by a wide range of philosophical ideas. Who we are. What we are. How we form fixed notions about ourselves and others. What does it actually mean to exitst in this space and this moment? What perceptions of the world emerge from fragments of information? How do we experience space? What is spacial perception? How does perception of space influence what we make? The work is the consequence of my questions, my process and my response to whatever materials I use. In that way, the work makes itself and is a reflection of these particular conditions and weave between playfulness and introspection. I don’t have a preconceived idea about what I’m making, however, my materials, shapes and methods are consciously chosen.